another wonderful baptism

another wonderful baptism

hard at work

hard at work

What a view!

What a view!



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Bom a Bessa

Bom a Bessa

Thinking Hard

Thinking Hard

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Meet my New friend ( :

Monday, May 17, 2010

This week was great! But the beginning was a little saddening; Presidente came to our house and freaked out on everyone because their stuff was a mess. The only things that were clean were my room, bathroom, my desk, and the kitchen (all things that I clean everyday, haha). So yeah, he went nuts, kicked their stuff around, chewed them out, and said he'd demote them from their positions if they kept up this filthiness. He really didn't say anything to me, just keep things clean, and gave me a hug, then left. He took our microwave though, haha. But yes, that was terrible, but it's all better now- Everyone says that I'm going to be an assistent to the president soon because of how fast I'm learning everything. That and they think I'm going to break the record for fastest American promoted to Senior. I hope! This week we baptized four people in one night! One man, André, two relief society aged girls, Uriana and Adriana, and one primary, Rafaéla. It was so legit. They all live in Colinas, the super far area I talked about, that place is just full of people ready to receive the gospel. We're going to baptize about ten more in this coming week that live there. Élder Carvalho and I are going to work on opening a branch out in that area, which means one more mission in João Pessoa! Ugh, it's great. Two people out there have had dreams about the two of us: One that a member who lives there had was of a ton of people dressed in white standing in the chapel, with us in the middle; it was the branch we opened and all the people we baptized. The other, our new investigator, Roseline, had, was of God telling her that he was giving her a second chance to turn her life around and sending us to help her. So weird, but hey, God's will. This week's been way good. Last night, we were playing Uno in our house and the rule is: the person who is left with the most cards when somebody wins has to eat "um ovo croo," a raw egg. So yeah, I lost. So disgusting, I gagged, but got it down, you'd be proud of me. I love you all!

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